Computer Security Seminar

CPSC 538P 2025

This course aims to introduce students to a broad range of topics in Security and Privacy, which inherently intersect with many computer science subdisciplines. Designed as a breadth course, it is open to all students in the department, fostering interdisciplinary engagement and diverse perspectives. The core objective is to facilitate thought-provoking discussions by bringing together varied viewpoints. While this course provides a broad overview, its project component allows students to delve deeply into a specific topic of interest. Students are encouraged to leverage their expertise in machine learning, programming languages, human-computer interaction, computer architecture, or other areas to address specific Security or Privacy challenges. The selected readings emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of Security & Privacy and celebrate the value of diverse approaches and insights.

Course Requirements

There is no specific pre-requisite for this course outside of an undergraduate degree in Computer Science or closely related topics. Undergraduate students interested by this course should discuss with their advisor.

Course Objectives

  • reason about security/privacy problems;
  • learn to read, critique, and write security/privacy papers;
  • better understand the review process;
  • learn to work as part of a diverse team on a security/privacy problem.

Class format

This is a seminar-type class. Every class, we will discuss a different paper. I have selected a mix of recent and older papers. There will be two presenters during each class. Each presenter will play a different role: the role of the Advocate and the role of the Critic. The Advocate should play a role similar to that of the original authors and try to sell the work to the audience. On the other hand, the Critic while remaining objective should towards the end of the presentation highlight the flaw of the paper and convince the audience that the paper is not good. The Advocate presentation will last 20-25 minutes, you should motivate the work, summarize the paper, and present the results. The Critic presentation will last 10 minutes, you do not need to cover motivation or summarization, instead you should focus on the shortcomings of the paper. While shorter, the critical presentation is probably harder to prepare.

In order to do well during your presentation, you should remember to stick to your role (Advocate or Critic). Further, you do not need to spend too much time explaining the basics of the paper, everyone in the class will have already read it. What add value to the presentation is your opinion and the insights you can extract from the paper! This is what you should focus on.

You should expect to present at least 2 or 3 times during the term depending on the number of students registered. After the presentation, we will take a 10 minutes break and discuss the paper. You should come prepared for those discussions and be ready to engage. Submissions are to be made on Canvas, unless specified otherwise.

Reading Schedule

Classes take place on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am to 10:30am.

Extra Reading Material

Reading List

Date Topic Title Link
Tuesday 7 Jan Intro
Thursday 9 Jan Ethic in Security Research The Menlo Report link
Tuesday 14 Jan Ethical Frameworks and Computer Security Trolley Problems: Foundations for Conversations link
Thursday 16 Jan Research introductions
Tuesday 21 Jan ML for Security Drebin: Effective and explainable detection of android malware in your pocket. link
Thursday 23 Jan MAMADROID: Detecting Android Malware by Building Markov Chains of Behavioral Models link
Tuesday Jan 28 TESSERACT: Eliminating Experimental Bias in Malware Classification across Space and Time link
Thrusday 30 Jan Dos and don’ts of machine learning in computer security link
Tuesday 4 Feb Proposal Presentation
Thursday 6 Feb Container Security Houdini’s Escape: Breaking the Resource Rein of Linux Control Groups link
Tuesday 11 Feb Demons in the Shared Kernel: Abstract Resource Attacks Against OS-level Virtualization link
Thursday 13 Feb Cross Container Attacks: The Bewildered eBPF on Clouds link
Tuesday 18 Feb Break
Thursday 20 Feb Break
Tuesday 25 Feb Internet Privacy Information Exposure From Consumer IoT Devices: A Multidimensional, Network-Informed Measurement Approach link
Thursday 27 Feb We Value Your Privacy ... Now Take Some Cookies: Measuring the GDPR’s Impact on Web Privacy link
Tuesday 4 March Privacy Rarely Considered: Exploring Considerations in the Adoption of Third-Party Services by Websites link
Thursday 6 March Research Progress
Tuesday 11 March Kernel Security xMP: Selective Memory Protection for Kernel and User Space link
Thrusday 13 March RedLeaf: Isolation and Communication in a Safe Operating System link
Tuesday 18 March KSplit: Automating Device Driver Isolation link
Thursday 20 March An Empirical Study of Rust-for-Linux: The Success, Dissatisfaction, and Compromise link
Tuesday 25 March Usable Security Rethinking Access Control and Authentication for the Home Internet of Things (IoT) link
Thursday 27 March Improving Logging to Reduce Permission Over-Granting Mistakes link
Tuesday 1 April A Research Framework and Initial Study of Browser Security for the Visually Impaired link
Thursday 3 April Final Project Presentation I
Tuesday 8 April Final Project Presentation II

Research Introduction

Your presentation should be approximately 5 minutes long and is designed to help you connect with classmates for the final project. Start by introducing yourself, including your background and current research or areas of interest. Then, either outline a specific project idea you have in mind along with the type of collaborators you are seeking, or describe the types of projects you are interested in joining. The project proposal is due during the first week of February, so forming groups promptly is essential.


Your final grade is based is divided among the following assessment:

  • Paper reports 30%
  • Paper presentation(s) 10%
  • Project (group) 40%
  • Peer Review 15%
  • Participation (in-class discussion) 5%


You can check the deadlines on Canvas.

Project Suggestions

You should aim for your course project to be roughly the scope of a workshop paper. It is important to reasonably scope your work as to be able to deliver before the end of the term. If you embark on a computationally heavy project (e.g., ML-based malware detection), you need to consider computational cost/time when planning your project.

You have relative freedom on the topic as long as it relates to security and/or privacy. You are welcome and encouraged to work on a security topic related to your own area of research expertise. USENIX Security, ACM CCS, IEEE S&P and NDSS are considered top security venues. You may find research inspirations there.

If exploring a new topic seems to daunting a task, you can consider a replication or comparison study. If you embark on such a task, ensure that you have access to the relevant software and/or the paper(s) you aim to study are sufficiently clear for you to reproduce the work.

You should interact with the the teaching team before settling down on a particular topic.

Paper reports

For each assigned paper you must write a report. You are to use the USENIX latex template for formatting. You must submit your reports on Canvas. In your report, please, follow this structure:

Paper Summary (no more than 250 words)

Provide a brief summary of the paper (3-5 sentences is usually enough). The aim is to demonstrate that you’ve read (and understood) the paper, so try to paraphrase and extract the essentials. At this stage you should aim to be objective; later sections allow for your own opinion.

Answer the following (no more than 750 words in total)

The Problem

What is the problem? Why is it important? Why is previous work insufficient (or Why has the problem not been solved before, e.g. it’s a new problem the authors have identified). This is your take on what the authors say in the paper (so again should be fairly objective). If the paper doesn’t seem to tackle a particular problem, then focus on the primary motivation for the work. 1-2 sentences for each of the three questions is probably sufficient.

The Solution (or Approach)

What is their approach/solution? How does it solve the problem? How is the solution unique and/or innovative (if it is)? What are the details? Once more you should use the paper itself as the source to help you answer these questions– but, as in previous parts, please do not just copy sections from the paper. Instead, you should focus on paraphrasing/synopsizing, and extracting the essential details. Depending on the paper, you’ll probably need 5-10 sentences here.


How do they evaluate their solution? What questions do they set out to answer? What does the evaluation say about the strengths and weaknesses of their system? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation itself do you think? A total of 3-4 sentences should suffice here – we’re looking for highlights, not a point-by-point reproduction of the evaluation section(s). In the rare case that there is no evaluation section, skip this part of the report.

Questions for the Authors

Imagine you’re attending a talk about this paper given by one of the authors. List at least 2 questions that you would like to ask. These should ideally be specific to the paper/research.

You should submit 17 paper reports (subject to change) The 5 worst report score will be ignored (this gives you 5 effective jokers).


The project must address a non-trivial problem relevant to systems security. The project can resolve the problem by building a system, collecting data/carrying out experiments, developing algorithms and proving them correct, etc. I strongly prefer that you do your project in a team of 2-4 people. You are encouraged to apply techniques from your main area of expertise to the topic of security (e.g., perform intrusion detection using ML techniques).

You should plan to schedule some time to chat about your project idea with me. Please, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail as soon as you want to discuss it.

The required project deliverables are listed below. Written submissions will be made through hotcrp and must be formatted using the USENIX latex template.

  • Project Proposal Draft: You are to submit the draft of your proposal on hotcrp. It will not be directly graded but will receive reviews from your peers.
  • Proposal Presentation: You will prepare a short presentation describing the project you intend to work on. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Presentation timing and details TBD.
  • Proposal Peer Review: each student will review proposals from other groups and give feedback. You should take this task seriously. Please, check the CCS-inspired guidelines online.
  • Project Proposal: you should incorporate feedback from the peer review process. I also strongly encourage you to schedule time to chat with me.
  • Project Report Draft: You are to submit the draft of your report on hotcrp. It will not be directly graded but will receive reviews from your peers.
  • Project Presentation: You will prepare a presentation describing your project. I encourage you to demo your project during your talk. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Presentation timing and details TBD.
  • Report Peer Review: as per the proposal stage, you will be asked to review the report from other teams. Please, check the CCS-inspired guidelines online.
  • Project Report: you should incorporate feedback from the peer review process. I also strongly encourage you to schedule time to chat with me.

Proposal Instuction

Your proposal should be short (at most 4 pages). The main objective is to assess the viability of the proposed project. You are expected to have completed a limited amount of work at this stage.

It must contain the following element:

  • Problem statement (4 paragraphs): Paragraph 1) At a high level, what is the problem area you are working on, and why is it important? It is important to set the larger context here. Why is the problem of interest and importance to the larger community? Paragraph 2) What is the specific problem considered in this paper? This paragraph narrows down the topic area of the paper. In the first paragraph, you have established general context and importance. Here you describe a specific context and background. Paragraph 3) What general approach are you planning to take? Why do you expect significant results? You won’t have done the work at this stage, but you should think about the results you expect to obtain. Paragraph 4) At a high level, what are the differences between what you are doing and what others have done?
  • Related Work (1 page): There are two types of related work: background work and contextual work. Background work includes contributions that are required to understand your work. They must be described in sufficient detail so that any of your classmates can understand what you are doing and why. Contextual work is necessary to help the readers place your work and identify your contributions. This includes past contributions you build upon in your own solution, work that solves the same problem but in different ways, and contributions from adjacent areas (solving a similar problem in a different domain). It is important to remember that doing something differently is not a contribution. It must be clear why you are taking an alternative approach (e.g., you exercise different trades-off, improve performance, etc.). You may have yet to perform an exhaustive literature review when submitting the proposal. Still, you need to have identified important work, know where to look for more, and clearly understand how your proposal differs from previous work. If you identify flaws in past work that you aim to address, identify and state them clearly. If you have yet to read all the papers you intend to read; you should list all those you have identified and plan to read. You should also identify areas/domains where you plan to look for relevant work. However, you should explicitly compare your proposed solution to some previous work (a few sentences per publication are enough).
  • Experimental setup (1 page): What experiments will you conduct? Why? What question is each experiment designed to answer? What do you hope to learn from each experiment? What measurement tools will you use? How will you determine if your measurements are accurate? What tests will you conduct conditionally? (For example, if we learn X from experiment 1, then we must do A else do B.) What problems do you expect? This part is essential to receive meaningful feedback and plan your research. This is where most of the proposal effort should go.
  • Resources Needed (<1 page): What equipment/software/tool will you need? Do you have access to it? How could you get access? You do not want to find out, midway through the project, you need access to resources that are not available.
  • Schedule (<1 page): You should be as precise as you can, identify important milestones, and make sure you allocate time to write the report and incorporate peers feedback.
  • Distinction from Thesis (1-2 paragraphs): You can and you are encouraged to work on a topic related to your thesis. However, your project must be distinct from your main research. You must explicit this distinction (in some cases, a single sentence is enough).

Proposal Presentation

The proposal presentation should last no more than 15 minutes. You should expect questions at the end of the presentation and may allow questions during the presentation. You should clearly explain what problem you are planning to explore and why it is an important problem. You should walk your audience through your research plan and how you are planning to evaluate the outcome of your project. The presentation should be accessible to a knowledgeable but non-expert audience. The presentation is graded as a group, how you want to present is the responsibility of the group members.

Audience should read through the proposal they have been assigned to review beforehand and be ready to ask some questions. This should be non-adversarial and with the intent of helping your classmates.

Progress Presentation

The progress presentation is a mid-point check to ensure your project is heading toward the right direction. It will be an opportunity to get feedback from your peer and the teaching team. You should refer back to your original proposal, discussing how far along you are and what remains to be done. You should also discuss any unexpected deviation from your original plan (e.g., things that did not work as originally planned). The presentation should not last more than 15 minutes, be prepared to answer questions. The presentation is graded as a group, how you want to present is the responsibility of the group members.

Report Instruction

You should write your final report as you would write a research paper. Your report should be at most 8 pages, including figures and tables, but excluding references. Be sure to highlight your work’s limitations honestly and discuss when your results did not meet your expectations/hypothesis. Try to explain why this happens. I expect some of the reports you submit to be suitable to be turned into conference submissions. I am more than happy to work with you to make it happen. You MUST include a link to the software artifact(s) backing your paper.

Final Presentation

The final presentation should not last more than 20 minutes. You should expect 5/10 minutes of questions at the end of the presentation. You presentation must discuss the motivation behind your work, the design of your solution, the evaluation you have performed, and discuss explicitly any limitations of your work. The presentation should be accessible to a knowledgeable but non-expert audience. The presentation is graded as a group, how you want to present is the responsibility of the group members.

Audience should read through the final report they have been assigned to review beforehand and be ready to ask some questions. This should be non-adversarial and with the intent of helping your classmates.


Late Policy

You will receive a 0 for late work unless you have an approved extension.

For individual assignments, the deadline for one assignment can be extended by 24 hours with no penalty to the mark. Extension requests must be made explicitly through e-mail. Extension requests must be made no later than 24 hours past the deadline.

For group tasks, you can request an extension of 24 hours as long as someone in your group has an unused extension. You cannot receive an extension of more than 24 hours for a group deliverable.

Academic honesty and collaboration guidelines

The department has a detailed policy regarding collaboration and plagiarism. You must familiarize yourself with this policy.

Paper reports: You should write your reports individually. You are free to discuss with others, but you must write the reports on your own. You should clearly reference any resources you have used.

Projects: you are free to use any code you find in your project. However, a non-trivial fraction of functionality in your prototype must be constructed by your team. You must cite and attribute sources of the code that you borrow/utilize in your project. When writing the project reports, you should follow the same citation standard as expected from conference papers.